Remove Blogger Navigation Bar Widget from Your Blog

Blogger blogs have a navigation bar on the top of every blog by default. You can not remove the widget from the layout of the blog but you can edit it via HTML. In the layout, when you click the edit option, it just gives the option to change the colors of the navigation bar according to your blog color and theme. Blogger navigation widget or bar can be removed by adding a simple code to the HTML code of the Blogger template.

Edit Blogger Navigation Bar

Here is how to remove or Add blogger navigation bar from your blog or website-

Go to Template------->Click on HTML ---------> and Look at the below code...or code just like this. This code is just in the start of the template.

Blogger Template Style
Name:     Awesome Inc.
Designer: Tina Chen
----------------------------------------------- */

To make the blogger navigation bar disappear, you need to add certain code after this like:

Blogger Template Style
Name:     Awesome Inc.
Designer: Tina Chen
----------------------------------------------- */

#navbar-iframe {
   display: none !important;

Add the Green Colored code just as shown above and save the template. Open your website in a new tab and you will find that navigation bar disappeared.

Add Navigation bar back to the Blogger - To Add back the navigation bar, you need to remove the code you just added in the HTML template i.e. the green code from the above. Once you remove it, the bar will come back in your blogger.

To change the color of the navigation bar, Go to layout and Click on Edit on the topmost. Now you can change the color and theme of your blogger bar.

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