5 Simple Tips to Increase Youtube Video Views and Channel

Have you ever wondered why are you not getting thousands of views on your Youtube video? Uploading video is a simple task but getting thousands of views on the video is a tough task. But if you keep few things in mind then , it would be real easy and simple to accelerate with the time. Upload a series of Youtube videos of high quality in the field in which you are interested in. I upload tutorials regarding photoshop because I know how to make changes in the pictures. I capture it with a software which makes video of the screen. In this way you can also upload many videos on youtube.

How to boost your video views? Here are few simple tips which will help you to increase the views-

1. Keywords and Keywords - Keyword associated with video makes a lot of difference on the youtube. If you have the right keyword, you will stand out among the crowd. Youtube selects videos on the right hand side whenever you view a video, on the keywords only. Let's see where you can type the keywords-
  • Title - Use at least 2-3 keywords in the title which are really specific to the subject of you video.
  • Description - Give a brief description including keywords in the sentences.
  • TAG - It is the most important one. First browse the Youtube videos which matches your video topic. Now see what tags are they using on the video. You can see the tags whenever you click on description just beneath the video. Analyse the tags in 3-4 video and then use the same tags in your video.
2.  Use Eye-Catching Title - How do you select a video out of 10 videos? Something which is different, or something funny or may be which shows something which is not possible. Just like that, you need to an eye-catching title for you video. It will boost the youtube video.

3. Add your video to Video Response - You can add your video to the most seen video of your topic on the youtube. Find the most viewed video of your topic using youtube search bar. Now go to the comments section. When you click the comments bar , you will see an option just below or side the video" Add video response". Click on that and on the next screen, Select your video and click ok. You can add one video only one time. For all this, you must be signed in.

4. Share the Video - Share the youtube video of yours on the facebook fan page. I hope you have one. If you don't have one, create or just simply share the video on facebook and tag all your friends. Also tell them to share the youtube post on their wall.

5. Embedding the Video - You can embed the video on your website or on the blog. Embedding the video will help you boost you youtube videos fast. Suppose you have a high traffic blog, then you can assume you will get thousand of views and a good amount of money from Google adsense if you are using.

Beside this, You can also increase the views by enabling all the sharing features of youtube which let's people share the video on the twitter, facebook, digg ,delicious and stumbleupon. So , Start now and increase your youtube views. You can also increase your subscriber base which also helps in getting lot of views.

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