Many of you search for mobiles and phones with low Cost but have you ever searched about expensive Phones? Phones are as much expensive as they can cost you total life salary. These phones do just the normal work but they are the most expensive phones in the whole world. Here is the list of such phones-
1. Diamond Crypto SmartPhone - Well, this phone contains 50 diamonds which are sparkling beauty and out of which are 10 are blue. It's looks awesome as it is covered by diamonds.Here is the pic-
Diamond Crypto Smartphone |
2. Gresso Luxor Lag Vegas Jackpot - It's weight is total of 180 grams. Covered in 12MM frames of Gold and black diamonds. Do you want to know it's price? It's only INR 55 Crores.
Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot |
3. Vertu Signature Cobra - The following phone also has diamonds in it's body's. It's available in the market at a whooping price of INR 15 Crores.
Vertu Signature Cobra |
4. Vertu Diamond - The phone has a platinum surface. It also comes with the scratch resistant glass. It is totally covered with diamonds and comes in many colors such as red , blue , yellow and pink.
Vertu Diamond |
5. The Chairman - It can not be described. You really need to look at the photo.
The Chairman |
Now these phones are worth more than crores. You need to have more than your bank account to have one of these phones. However what I suggest is to go and purchase mobile with Android operating system. Enjoy the they really look good...
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