Earn Money online Via Twitter – Social Networking Platform
Twitter is one of the biggest social networking platforms on the internet after Facebook. Twitter is a social networking platform where you can follow people and get followed by people of the same interests as you. If you are getting followers on a regular basis and you have a large no. of followers then certainly you can make use out of your followers. You may be already promoting your website links and other product related links on the twitter but what about getting paid to write those 140 letters on the twitter status.
Twitter status can be made to earn money online if you have a large no. of following i.e. large no. of followers. There are websites which provide sponsored tweets through advertisers to those people who have a large following.
Here are two websites:
• www.sponsoredtweets.com
• Ad.ly
Sponsoredtweets is a website which provide sponsoredtweets to all those who register on their website. Once you register sponspredtweets will automatically decide the highest amount you can get for your 1 tweet. This amount is totally based on no. of followers that follow you. You can also set the value by yourself to reduce the competition. There are some tag words you need to put in there so that advertisers searching with those keywords can find you. Advertisers then will give a set amount for tweeting their product. Either they will give a readymade tweet or you have to make one with their link attached. Sponsoredtweet website does the rest of the work. The Payout at sponsoredtweet is $25. The mode is PayPal.
Register at SponsoredTweets
Ad.ly – It is one of the bigger websites which has very big names under its hat. However according to the new website rules you can only register on the website if you have more than 150,000 followers. Less than those, Your application will be rejected. So it’s better to start with the sponsoredtweets.com if you have low follower and if you followers greater than 150,000 the go for ad.ly
There are several ways on how you can earn money online and one of which is through the use of social media platforms. I also suggest that you explore search engine optimization in Long Island so that you'll have an idea on how to make more money online.